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Data Bytes - ChatGPT as a Tool for Teaching and Learning

ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence tools have made headlines in recent months. The user-friendly tool creates written content in response to any number of textual prompts, from generating poetry to writing research papers and even fabricating news articles. While we may be right to be wary about the implications of this technology on a liberal arts education centered on writing across the curriculum, generative AI is most likely here to stay. So, instead of viewing it primarily as a threat, how might educators and researchers embrace ChatGPT as a useful tool for instruction, capacity building, and equity?
In this interactive session, you’ll learn the basic parameters and functions of ChatGPT as well as:

  • How to use generative AI in brainstorming and the creative process,
  • How writing-heavy courses might integrate ChatGPT in ways that advance learning outcomes, 
  • How researchers might use generative text to build capacity,
  • How ChatGPT might support equitable access for marginalized groups, and
  • How an integrative approach to generative AI might forestall some of the threats posed by this new technology.

Presented by Dr. Rosemary Avance, Assistant Professor in the School of Media & Strategic Communications, Dr. Heather Stewart, Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, and Richard Sylvestre, Ph.D. student in Rhetoric and Writing Studies.

Thursday, March 23, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Computer Training Room 206, 2nd Floor, Edmon Low Library, Online
Instruction, Public Program
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